Half Dozen Roses


This half dozen roses is a lovely vased arrangement featuring 6 roses, textural greenery, and filler flowers. Please specify what color you would like. We always have red, but often have seasonal colors like yellow, orange, pink, white, and bi-color roses.

Please order by 10am for same-day delivery.

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This half dozen roses is a lovely vased arrangement featuring 6 roses, textural greenery, and filler flowers. Please specify what color you would like. We always have red, but often have seasonal colors like yellow, orange, pink, white, and bi-color roses.

Please order by 10am for same-day delivery.

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from $1.00
Box of Chocolates

This half dozen roses is a lovely vased arrangement featuring 6 roses, textural greenery, and filler flowers. Please specify what color you would like. We always have red, but often have seasonal colors like yellow, orange, pink, white, and bi-color roses.

Please order by 10am for same-day delivery.